Do we have too many moose? too few? are hunters killing the correct number to ensure a healthy social and biological carrying capasity? A young moose in spring (c) And A Strong Cup of Coffee These questions are asked every year around the time that hunters have to apply for a permit and when the drawing actually happens. Maine's moose are iconic and hunters have gone decades applying for a permit without being drawn. I am currently on year 18 of not being drawn. But the allure of walking through the crisp, fall air and seeing that bull moose step out into a clearing, keeps people applying year after year after year. A proposal by Maine's moose biologist, Lee Kanter is seeking to test a small population of moose to see if by lowering the population of moose, the winter tick problem will decrease. On the surface it makes sense; less anaimals means less disease. Something has to change if we want to keep the herd healthy and growing. W...
An outdoor blog about hunting and exploring the woods of Maine.